We are looking for participants to help us with our speech survey for our research topic: Effect of noise and room acoustics on speech intelligibility

Location: Anechoic chamber, Acoustics Research Centre, University of Auckland

Duration: 45-55 minutes (with 5 minutes break)

Koha: NZD$20 voucher (Countdown or Westfield)

When: 23rd November 2020 ~ 24th January 2021

What: Listen to different sentences and typing them out


  • 18yo to 50 yo
  • no diagnosed hearing impairment
  • lived in New Zealand for 2 or more years

Please get in touch if you are interested!

By either filling in this form: https://forms.gle/XyJQiQeSrzDfUnyr6 or emailing Justine Hui (justine.hui@auckland.ac.nz)

The survey is conducted in the anechoic chamber: